28 May, 2021

pruning fruit trees

PLUM A plum tree with two different plums on it has produced me all of one plum.

I may have been pruning it wrongly.

The types are 'Mariposa' (a Japanese plum) and 'Flavor Supreme' (a pluot hybrid, also from a Japanese plum).

Apparently Japanese plums fruit on the previous year's wood. Best pruned in summer just after the tree is harvested. Cut back all shoots by at least half, while opening up the centre of the tree by removing inward growing branches.

After seeing a seriously amazing espalier at the SEGT (I managed two gardens on Sunday after opening my garden on Saturday), I am very tempted to start espaliering my backyard trees. It would mean a few years of very limited harvests, but the results could be really good for a small backyard, rather than the crazy shrubberies that I'm having to deal with.



Old Apricot Tree Pruning from SFGate.


Central leader

This requires a central framework where the most growth is at the trunk of the tree, growing upwards in a balanced fashion. Make sure the branches have lots of space so they have enough room to expand as they age.
Apple trees:tip or spur bearers (goes to FB, but short version: most heritage are spur bearers, most common backyard are tip.
Cherry trees
Mango trees
Mulberry trees
Avocado trees
Pear trees

Open centre The open centre structure system looks like a vase, keeping the centre of the tree as clear as possible. You start by pruning a young fruit tree at its main trunk but maintaining the ones that surround it, giving more open space to the central part of the tree.
Apricot trees
Nectarine trees
Peach trees
Plum trees
Olive trees

from here

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