16 December, 2021


Three little chooks on lay are we!
Pert as a chooky well can be!
Filled to the brim with egg-ish glee-ee!
Three little chooks are on lay!
Garden of Sel Dec 2021

The western chookyard is a relatively new addition to our yard, suitable for newcomers and anyone who needs corraling. We got a netting up over the top which does pretty well at keeping them in and keeping the wee-burdies-going-cheep (a.k.a. The Indian Myna) from dive-bombing the girls.

The chook house there is the one that they all started in when they first arrived at our place: brand new and a little apprehensive at this New Place and these New Peoples. Hainan and Honey (RIP) arrived in it as part of a package deal - Rent-A-Chook. It's lasted pretty well, although the netting base has rusted through (so I pulled it off) and one of the base frames has finally rotted. I'll have to replace that at some point over the summer. But it's a great pen for keeping chooks in when they're sick or being picked on, and also for integrating new girls.

I've started growing plants along the back fence: problem is that the space doesn't get a lot of sun, either in summer or in winter. It would be a really great place to grow things that like wet and shady... The ones doing well in the back are: INDIAN BORAGE, BORAGE, COMFREY, NZ LILIES. I may not want the lilies in with the chooks: aren't the liliums poisonous or something? I did see someone say something about planting daffodils to keep back the grass, but I think that might be more useful elsewhere in the garden...

Otherwise, on the north side of the chookyard, I have various upturned wire baskets to allow things to grow and not be pecked to death or scratched up by the roots by the chooky girls. To that, (or just outside the wire fence) I should like to add: AMARANTH, SNAKE BEANS, and PIGEON PEAS to give some shade come midsummer (which is now upon us).

14 December, 2021

tree management

There are several fruit trees I think I need to dig out:

1. elderflower by the fence: keep in a large pot for all eternity to stop it from shooting all over the place

2. lychee tree in the front yard: not doing well in the ground, think it might need a pot and a better position

3. kumquat tree in the front yard: not doing well in the groudn, think it might need a pot and a better position

4. citrus tree by the gate: not doing well in the ground, dig it out and give it away

I also have another citrus tree up by the garage, in a tiny pot, that I don't actually need or want. I don't want to grow most standard citrus: I don't think I need to. Other people are doing excellent lemons and limes, all I need is one every now and then, maybe a bunch to freeze for the out-of-season citrus flavour.

Big pruning energy needed in the coming weeks. BIG PRUNING ENERGY. A lot of them are going to get pruned down massively, because I can't cope with such large trees right now, particularly in the backyard.

Also, organise better guilds for under the trees, seeing as this is a La Nina year and it's going to be a lot wetter and rainier than usual.