I'm sure I've already posted these thoughts somewhere...
Tropic Dorsett: v low chill, flowers in late August, fruit set by mid September, will need its own netting, harvest late December early Jan
Golden Delicious: harvest mid-January
Gala: late Sep-early Oct '22 flowering, harvest mid-January
Braeburn: (winter harvest, late), flowering late Sep-Oct '22 flowering, harvest mid-January
Anna: flowering Aug-Sep
Dorsett: flowering Aug-Sep
Granny Smith: never flowered, (winter harvest, late)
Akane: never flowered

APRICOTS: Reader's Digest and Forty South
Tilton : early Feb harvest, 600 chill hours (low), but it's sitting in sun from pretty early in the morning.
Paterson : Jan harvest, 600 chill hours (low),
Unknown (backyard): most likely a low-chill apricot, it gets marginal sun through winter.
I'm wondering if I should maybe get plumcots, which are supposed to be like apricots but hardier?
Sheppard: type B, 2.5m with plenty of flowers but very little pollination: may require an A type to go with it I guess it required a really good season of rain so the flowers didn't all fall off. I can easily harvest an avo or two a week right now, with still at least a dozen on and more fruiting.
Note to self: don't ever look at how much you've spent on fruit trees over the years... An awful lot of them have died in their pots before they ever got into the ground...
:Tri-Citrus (Bi-Citrus?): Oranges, tangerines - might have had a lemon/lime at some point
Makrut Lime
NOTE: neighbours have a lime tree and are more than happy to gift limes
Banana circle - at least one Red Dacca, the others are unknown, none have ever fruited - probably not enough nutrients
three (3) in pots; have never worked out a good place for these to go.
apricot: lots of leaves, no fruit
donut peach: died 2022
nectarine: cut it off 2023 - it never usefully fruited, always rotted before I could harvest anything
plum: full of blossoms and fruit - yellow flesh, starts off very green, ripens to a violet-purple blush

white peach - on dual stone
yellow peach (clingstone) - single
white nectarine - single
white nectarine - on dual stone
Veggie patch AU - clips and clamps
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