It'll be open on the Saturday from 9am to 4pm, so if you're inclined to come visit, buy a ticket!
On the pragmatic side, that's just under 4 weeks from today, and so everything is GO from here!
TO DO (from a couple of weeks ago)
cut panels for last garden bed, or else buy more barrier edging from Hammerbarn. - draw up measurements for BENCH SEATING
- white oil/pest spray KUMQUAT, MAKRUT LIME, PERSIMMON (after heatwave, when temps have dropped again)
net front NECTARINE and GOLDEN PEACH- shade back beds
The lows are still in the teens, the highs can be anywhere from the late teens to the mid-30s. *sigh*
Sprinkly week coming.
There's enough rain that the gardens get watered and the rain tanks stay full. Except for the carport tanks which have a leak which I still haven't fixed.
Goongbao (Goong) is broody again. Siyao (Sis) and Carambah are laying, Chouquette still hasn't. I'm starting to think that girl never will. All noise and stomach and no eggs!
The COMFREY has already started to flower, prepatory to setting seed. It's really aggressively trying to reproduce and I am rather nervous about it, all things considered.
Someone came by to do the mowing, and I think we got most of the dandelions on the north lawn. I'm still thinking about cardboarding it, then covering with mulch. But the lawn does look nice when it's all mowed!
Got the local teenage help to assist in the backyard: he was pretty good at pulling up the weeds and helping lay newspaper and cardboard down before covering with the mulch. It looks pretty, but there's not a lot of mulch: might need another application in a couple of weeks. We'll see how the grass grows.
Got the CREPE-APRICOT bed in tonight. That took quite a bit out of me. Cutting the bed sides, then just setting it up in the bed so as to be able to lay it all out. A little concerning: the cardboard I laid down in CREPE-APRICOT under the straw mulch hasn't really decomposed at all. I think it's going to need a bit more wetting and then also more mulch. I also need to plant out the corn - the F1 edible variety, I think.
Need to work out the space between the ESPALIER APPLES and the DUAL STONE: I have a couple of pumpkins planted there, but maybe also some tomatoes? It's this big empty bed space, just waiting for weeds to take over and I don't want that.
I planted a whole heap of stuff in the PLUM-STONE bed: radishes and beetroots and brassicas and everything. Even various onions - hopefully spring onions, although they might be leeks, who can tell? Some of it is growing pretty well, but the goal is to have a decent bed of greens by the time the SEGT comes around.

Peaches, Plums, and Nekos are growing growing. Early apples are growing growing. Avos are setting more fruit. Late apples are flowering.
Tangerines. Parsnips. Leafy greens. Avos.

I'm thinking that the FOUR-STONE APRICOT needs a haircut. Also, all the shoots coming off the cherry, crepe-myrtle, 4-apple, and even the two-stone.
I have to go through my previous lists for the SEGT and work out what I wanted to show.
Do I make some videos - short, minute-long TikTok types? On Espaliering apples, and more on keeping chooks, and fruit trees?
I also need a watering system in place for when I go away from the start of December through to January.
- fix carport tank leak
- draw up measurements for BENCH SEATING
- white oil/pest spray KUMQUAT, MAKRUT LIME, PERSIMMON (after heatwave, when temps have dropped again)
- plant out CORN in CREPE-APRICOT
- shade back beds
- plant out ARTICHOKES in APRICOT bed
- plant out AFRICAN DAISY along front fence
- dig up grass in BEE BED
I'm really sore and really tired and really itchy, and I think I'm probably sunburned...
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