08 June, 2019

Subpod observation

The Subpod (Australian designed/made) is pretty neat. It's a box you sink into a garden bed, holes in the sides and bottom, with composting worms inside. You put your kitchen scraps in the box, and the worms turn it into vermicompost (worm castings). You've got a hinged lid and can put a wooden top on, so it can be

But at $130 AUD, the practical side of me says: you could do this with a worm farm box in your garden. Just drill a few extra holes in the sides of the box and sink it into a garden bed and it'll do the same thing, only less slickly. And you'd have to make your own cover, but that's not so hard, I think.


I just bought another HenSafe door for the triangle coop which will be the house for the girls for a portion of the next month. The intention is to put them in the front garden and just leave them there day and night, with the netting fencing to keep them in.

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