Compost 1 (backyard, apricot-avo bed) seems rather hot - it's got a big mix of stuff: lettuce leaves, autumn leaves, chook poop, coffee grounds, woodchips. It's pretty much steaming. I'm debating whether I turn it or leave it to just collapse over time.
Compost 2 (front yard, next to driveway) is pretty hot - this is mostly chip/leafmulch and used coffee grounds.
Compost 3 (front chookyard, in small black bin) isn't heating up at all - I don't think that the bin is big enough to hold the heat together. It's been well urine-watered, though.
Compost Bay 1 (behind shed, close to wall) is settling down, I think. It got made about 3 weeks ago and I covered it up and haven't really looked at it. I think it's just active, but not really burning hot.
Compost Bay 2 (behind shed) is pretty hot beneath the surface. That's a mix of grass clippings, woodchips, and I think some green wastes. It only got filled up with woodmulch on Monday, and that's pretty hot.
still to do
fence windrow
- use mattock to dig out a trench about 1m away from the fence (basically break the grass line)
- line space between fence and trench with wet newspaper, then woodchips on top as high as it will go (use cardboard to keep from tumbling onto lawn?)
- add manures/green wastes
- cover with woodchips
banana circle
- use mattock to dig out a circle for the bananas, heap up the soil in a semicircle, with an open U facing upwards
- need to decide location: south of path, or in the middle of the yard?
- also to plant: paw paw, ginger, galangal, turmeric, qld arrowroot, mango (?), comfrey, lemongrass
backyard tree mulches
- need to consider what has priority: banana circle or backyard mulches?
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