I have a LOT of trees. And not much space. And I feel like any design that I undertake will be half-assed at best.
I went through the trees and am wondering if I should plant the citrus (lemon, kaffir lime, kumquat) right up against the fence. Put the pomegranate in with the fig on the triangle garden.
Part of the problem is that I have so many trees that are listed as 'delicate' and 'don't like cold winds" which I'm thinking, right in the middle of winter, is a pretty tricky thing.
The current count:
3 citrus (lemon, k lime, kumquat)
1 acerola cherry
2 macadamia
1 pomegranate (to go with the fig, I think)
2 avocados (grafted)
1 avocado (from seed)
1 chocolate pudding tree (sapote?)
1 almond/peach (from seed)
1 elder tree
I have a loquat, but I'm thinking of not planting it anymore. There used to be a loquat at the corner of the next street, but they chopped it down and have planted a nice, sedate hedge, probably of lilly pillies. At least that's one thing that I won't have to plant around here. Besides, loquat are kind of monstrous, and I'd rather a lychee tree.
There's root systems to consider. How tall they're going to grow. Shade considerations. And nutrient requirements.
The almond/peach has a deep root system. The citrus, avos, and elder have shallow systems.
There's also the issue of there being a stormwater pipe that runs parallel to the street across our property. You can tell where it is because it leaks a little - the grass over that pipe grows more thickly - it was much more noticeable during the dry summer. I can't plant anything with deep roots close to that or they'll just take it over and then the council will have to come in and dig up the space. So, nope.
Citrus like a lot of feeding. So do Avos. Pomegranates and figs survive just about anywhere, but would probably produce best in hotter drier conditions. Acerola cherry likes acidic soil (like blueberries), and macadamias have developed in poor soil and dry conditions. (I'm thinking about on the council verge.)
3 citrus up against the fence
1 acerola cherry with bluebs underneath
2 macadamia on the council verge
1 pomegranate in the triangle orchard with the fic
2 avocados (grafted)
1 avocado (from seed)
1 chocolate pudding tree (sapote?)
1 almond/peach planted at the end of the row
1 elder tree
Also, I tink I need more shrubs and bushes. Chickpeas? I have pigeon pea seeds. Also some herbs that smell nice and attract bees. I have flower seeds - sweet peas and suchlike, but those are annuals. I want some perennials.
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