19 July, 2018

early sowing

I am planning to plant seeds of:
- tomatoes
- tomatillos
- eggplant
- corn
- loofah/pumpkin
- cucumber
- zucchini

These will be planted out in the front bed (north west facing) in mid-august when the ground has heated up sufficiently.
(loofah/pumpkin/cucumber to go along the south orchard edge for growing up a fence).

Some things for the permabee would be:
- An edible hedge along the front picket fence, install watering system:
o south of path: loquat, macadamias, lilly pilly
o south groundcover: cliveas, holy basil, nasturtiums, comfrey
o north of path pomegranate, kumquat, avo, acerola cherry
o north groundcover: holy basil, fruit salad plant, salvias
- A three-unit composting setup behind the shed.
- Create chicken run along outside fence
- Dig paths and fill with woodchip mulch.
- Two bathtub setups – one aquaculture, one bathtub garden (possibly on the verge?)

- Modify the washing machine outlet to disperse in the garden.

- Move the lattice gate further west (line up with the house edge) (maybe ask Simon B)
- Enclose orchard garden (maybe ask Simon B)

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