That's the contents of one neighbour's green bin.
I've been trying to get my neighbours to give me their grass clippings as soon as they're clipped. I can toss them in the chook pen, or make them into compost: the sooner the better, because it'll still be 'green'. It's been difficult training them to do so: they're so used to putting it in the bin and forgetting about it that they don't remember that there's any other way to do it.

Anyway, I've been collecting mulch all week from a local mulch pile, (like, 5 minutes drive) and made two trips on Tuesday morning, another on Wednesday morning, another on Friday morning, and one this morning. Between those trips, and assorted lawn clippings from the neighbours, I collected enough mulch to fill up a compost bay and cover most of my paths.

And with the addition of some seaweed brew and banana skin brew, some potash (wood ash), and fresh urine, the compost was off to a hot start!

Could probably do with another trip or two to get another compost happening, woodchips composts start fast but then slow down a lot, particularly if you don't add sufficient nitrogen sources to it. If I could get another batch or three of lawn clippings over the next fortnight, I'd wet the chips on top, hoik the lawn clippings over, and let it all compost down. The chips are slowest to decompose, so they're better under the lawn clippings, which decompose in a matter of weeks rather than years.
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