Plum Stone:

I have no idea what's happening to the one in the front; we just had several days of rain, but it's simply wilted. I hope it's not anything viral, and I should probably dig down to see about the root system and what the issue is.
I've underplanted mustards and brassicas (or they've self-sown), tossed in various greens and chook fodder for once the chooks are put onto this bed - and also for general harvest through the rest of the summer.

It had three artichokes and wormwood on the north side (not pictured), but the artichokes dried out and died and so did the wormwood. It's since been planted out with fat hen, amaranth, mustard and other 'easy greens' - so, of course, after the rain, both artichokes and wormwood are coming back, too. *sigh*
On the south side, the woodchips are king, a couple of brassicas (possibly brussels sprouts) cling to the ground at least nine months after they were planted there. I've tossed down poppies, fenugreek, nasturtiums, peas, and other things (maybe rocket?) just to build up some ground cover.

This bed will probably be one of the last of the current set to be tractored with chooks. The corn is going to need a decent run, and I probably need to stake those beans.

I've tossed a lot of Clucker Tucker down, and maybe some Fenugreek. Mostly to grow green things and fill the space. Whether they survive is largely due to how far the watering system goes, and whether we get any more rain in the next month.
There's also a comfrey planted at the front. It's dried out a few times in the drought, but has perked up again with the rain and the watering system.

A couple of plants of Fat Hen, I've put down a bunch of chickpeas during the rain on Thursday, some of them had sprouted by Sunday when I covered them over, and hopefully some of them will stick. There's also Clucker Tucker sprinkled all along the edges.

I've tossed Clucker Tucker, mustard, and fenugreek all over this one, too.

I threw down some marigold and sunflower seeds outside the bed, but they don't seem to have taken. They might now that it's rained. One can hope!
Wicking Bed:

Lettuce oakleaf green, lettuce salad bowl red, Gardland serrate leaf, lettuce black seeded, mibuna, mizuna, Chinese Mustard Greens - 29th Nov
4x '10 Heirloom' tomatoes - 29th Nov
Kale, eggplant (jitendra), eggplant (finger) - 29th Nov
Radish confetti mix, onion red beard, beetroot bulls blood, Onion straight leaf - 17th Dec

I've sprinkled various seeds down by the base of the bathtub but none of them have come up. *pouts*

I don't even know what's here anymore; the idea was for it to be a bee-friendly garden, but I've tossed plenty of fruiting and food plants in there and not just the flowers that were the original idea. It was barely growing through spring, and I don't know how well it will do over summer and into winter.
On the plus side, the rain runs off the chook house tarp and into the garden - so much so that I've had to put a bucket underneath so it doesn't drill a hole down into the soil
Banana Circle:

1. Could grow potatoes/sweet potatoes in the cheap aldi garden beds if they were set up to be wicking. (As of 21st Jan, have set up wicking bed in front of lounge window for sweet potatoes.) Contemplate doing for regular potatoes, with water thingy in the middle.
2. Small Aldi garden bed: use frame, cover with pond plastic, poke hole in about 5cm above ground level, low layer of soil, set olla in bed, fill with soil, plant potatoes. Or garlic?
3. Run a water line down from the carport tanks to the front garden bed? Otherwise front garden bed is basically to be bucketed/heavy mulched in drought.
So many things to be done and not half enough time before the SEGT.
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