Things are really starting to get going in the garden
The Lychee isn't doing so well – it's leaves are pale and a bit brown.
The tiny Longan isn't doing well either – it's very small and hasn't grown at all.
Tofu has a hernia, Carambah hasn't fully recovered from her infection, Kerry has recovered from her eye stye, Goong is broody again.
I'm still trying to build the space for them to get to the triangle garden (in the right season and weather) and haven't gotten around to it. Not likely to get to it before I have surgery (6th Sept). In the meantime, they have an access path but it's not very good.
Coop has mites. Need to keep alphamiting the water
Still mites. Haven't done anything about them.
Both Fireball Apricots have stuck the graft, haven't seen the third one.

Bulida? Not sure. Cotton Candy? Also not sure. Waiting, waiting, waiting. But I'm glad the Fireball took! Not sure any of my apricots are going to produce this year – one had no flowers, one had only a couple of flowers, and the one in the backyard is still in flower but hard to spot if anything is happening. *sigh*
I think all the Royal Lee Cherry grafts failed. The Minnie Royal ones are looking good, and I think at least one Royal Crimson is taking.
Tomatoes are growing. They probably need a feed.
Eggplants are growing. Also probably need a feed.
Planted beans (several kinds) and Corn (F1, honey and gold).

A couple of Brassicas in the backyard. Maybe into the CREPE-LYCHEE,
Mustards and avocados. Still oranges.
Mango tree with chook poop
might need to buy some more chook poop, leave the coop scrapings for a year or so to kill the mites?
blueberries need feeding?
Got Mike, Lou, Sue, and Cecelia over to help set up the frames for the netting. Paid them in cake. It was good.
Need to fling a netting over the dual stone
1. Dig out the last of the sweet potato.
2. Put chook poop (shed) under the mango.
3. Cover under the mango with woodchips
4. Dump the straw bale in the triangle garden.
5. Netting over the Dual Stone
6. Move tractor to PLUM-STONE
Tea bushes – along the chook yard
Big flowering salvia – between Donut Peach and Cherry
better way to plant the galangal in the chook yard so the chooks don't keep digging it up?
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