metal bed in triangle garden
- Garlic
- Lettuces
IBC Wicking Bed on porch
- Grape
- Passionfruit (??)
Under the Frangipani
* use slasher weedkiller on the space- freesias
- other bulbs
- meadow seeds
- poppies
Big Vegepod
- Passionfruit up the north side from vegepod?

In front of lounge room chook run
- sugarcane, lemongrass
- ginger, galangal, turmeric
- dahlias in front? Or too close to the grass?
- fig? In a deep pot?
In front of chook yard
- kumquat - citrus, likes rich soil
- mulberry - suitable for chickens to shelter under and eat from
- apricot - likes lighter soil, not clays: build a mound? (needs potassium and phosphorus more than nitrogen), feed once a year in early spring
- black sapote
- lychee - fragile, wants protection
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