Someone is going to help me pull up the grass (I hope) and lay down chip mulch in the pathways. I think I might need to have an actual phone conversation with him to make sure he understands what I want, because in spite of being 15 (or possibly because of it), I think he suffers from manitis, which is the sad affliction of thinking he knows better than any woman, even one who has lived three times his life. I said I wanted help pulling up the grass, and he focused primarily on moving the mulch. Not sure if I want to hire him after that whole interaction.
HEATWAVE. 35C days lately, everything needs watering in the morning and it's dried out by lunchtime, especially if it doesn't have pea straw mulch keeping the moisture in.
Not for another week at least, and probably on cm.
Hot and grumpy because they're always complaining that their yard has no green things in it, but they're laying pretty well.
Citrus scale on the MAKRUT LIME

Got the PLUM-STONE bed set up and settled in. Need to do the others, but it's so hot right now. Also: the process of actually bedding it down would go easier with two people.
Bed prep for SEGT
-display chook tractor function
- display fruit trees in the garden
- display shade bed
- get bed in
- sow with more mustards
- for SEGT: chook tractor here
- get bed in
- sow CORN, CUCUMBERS, BEETS (up the back), BUSH BEANS up the front
- SNAKE BEANS up the back
- ZUCCHINI at the front
- ONIONS around the edges (all the different types and kinds)
- mulch heavily
- get bed in
-need to think a bit about this - already has celery and flowers there, could probably do with the HELLEBORES actually planted there, possibly set the chooks in to weed it? Not sure how to contain the space - whether to do so.
I think this might be illustrating a shade bed - what to grow, how to set it up? IDEK. Think more on this, but not too long, or maybe leave it as unchanged ground simply for SEGT people to come by and make suggestions?
1. need to make the garden seat sections of the chook tunnel
2. need to fix up the metal frame garden seat (possibly for next year)
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