Cold but sunny the last few weeks, cold and clear in the next week, then cold and wet the week after. There's a fair bit of wind tonight (Sunday) - some pretty hard gusts that make the chook coop tarp creak - but that should ease tomorrow morning.
Spatters, mostly. A little hail today. It was raining pretty hard in stints at our hockey game on Sunday 7th - freezing cold rain, then less cold stuff. There's more happening tonight and probably some tomorrow.
Caramba is laying, everyone else is off the lay. Sisi is still being a bully and refusing to let the other girls in the coop at night; she won't go up to the top rung so she can basically keep them from anything but roosting in the doorway.
Goong does her own thing, doesn't really bother the Qs, but the Qs are very aware of her. It's only Sisi who's vengeful and chases them away whenever possible.
The Dual Plum is growing really whippy on the Mariposa side. I'm still debating whacking the whole top off and just seeing what it does next.
The Apricot frame intended for espalier growing is tilting at a 15degree angle. I might have to pull that out and fix it when I replace the chook tunnels.
Flower bed by the driveway post is looking wonderful!
Really should dig out/rake out the chook poop pen. Put the stuff in bags and boxes, leave until spring.
Pulled out the ornamental grasses under the lounge window, added some mushroom compost, raked over the soil to even-ness.
A mix of Meadow Seeds in the bed in front of the lounge room. Not sure if it'll be warm enough to start growing - might need to put down a little more pea straw mulch to give it a decent chance of germinating; it's presently a touch too cold, I think...
I made the APPLE-CREPE into a proper brassica bed; planted out the various brassicas I had, then made a rough frame and covered it with netting. Not sure it'll get quite enough sun until summer, but I guess it'll do for the moment.
Still the avocados. One I picked the other week is still hard, so not sure when these are going to be ripe.
Oranges are colouring up; they'll need to stay on the tree a while to get fully ripe.
PUMPKINS - I've picked the large ones, I really should lay them out under the house (downside: rats). Also, it would help to get an idea of what, exactly, I've managed to grow.
MUSTARD. I never quite know what to do with these. But they do grow well!
CORIANDER is growing quite nicesly (and not bolting) in at least two places in the garden.
TOMATOES - in the triangle bed, apple end, have fruit but may not manage to ripen them given the cold snap we're seeing. TOMATOES in the triangle bed, pointy end, have set fruit, but also may not ripen: the Amethyst Cream has a couple that are ripening, but it's hard to tell what else is ripe - if anything.
RASPBERRIES: autumn ones aren't as nice as the spring ones. Might need some pruning.
All the fruit trees/shrubs need pruning right now. And then chipping, now that I have the new blades.
I have barely enough energy to keep up with the house right now - last fixing up of the windows, and then moving everything back in and sorting it out; I'm not sure I'd manage with the garden as well. So, holding patterns are the thing at present.
1. Backyard paths and grass.
2. pruning all the fruit trees significantly, then chipping the prunings
3. replacing the chicken tunnels with more solid make.
4. replacing the garden bed frames (and seeding/planting out the ones that I don't intend to keep using).