1. sealing up between the skirtingboards and the floorboards - particularly in
the study and the lounge and my bedroom (all major draught areas)
probably should use something between a silicone and latex sealant: very
narrow tip (pinprick, really) and with a shaped nozzle to keep it lined up.
White? To match the skirting
2. painting the inside frames: they're primed, but they'll need a coat of paint.
3. external awnings (b1 wants external awnings - at least to the west, so she can let down the awnings at will; I'm more for a vergola, myself...)
4. creating some kind of a seal/stopper for the wall vents, at least for the winter season, to determine if it helps the thermal profile of the room (may want to keep them for in-wall ventilation)
5. cleaning up all the paint specks and wood fragments from around the garden and the grass; might have to ask if there's a kind of 'external vacuum' and whether I could use it to get the worst of the paint chips, etc. up.
Inside the house: more cube storage things and the boxes that fit in them so we can put things away
outside the house: more storage spaces and boxes-that-don't-break-down (or
maybe just go with plain cardboard ones)
- chooks
- pruning and
tying up
- netting and fruiting
- sprays and pesticides
Need to do a "cleaning tools" day with PSN
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