31 October, 2022

dear diary: 31st October


Well, everything's gone kinda beserk. Warming weather and sufficient rain to set things off. Downside: a lot of the weedy grasses have started taking over in the front yard. This is not ideal, and I don't know how to deal with them - other than dedicated pulling out, or else poisoning. Don't want to do too much poisoning - prefer not to do any at all.


We've gained a friendly little refugee - a mysterious and missing miss who was found on a street in Warrawee and hasn't been claimed. Guess she's going to end up part of our flock... Not sure if we should check her for any diseases or such.

Unfortunately, we have a lot of rats and mice right now, too. I'm contemplating one of the treadle feeders, but debating between those and the Dine-A-Chook ones that seem otherwise pretty good for keeping rats off and away...


Everything in the backyard. Probably will have to go to the chickens for best scrappage.


All the stuff I didn't get around to before I left.

TOMATOES need planting out.



peaches and nekos are growing, as are the apples - some donut peaches, some plums...


Potatoes, purple-podded peas, artichokes, leeks, all the leafy greens, cruciferous brassicas (mostly the leaves, but possibly not even those: I think they got hit by the bug)...


I have to start facing that I'm not going to be able to deal with the entire property. Everything's growing right now and it's more than a little bit crazy. It's also spread all over the property, which is a reasonable size, and the grass weeds are a big problem right now - not to mention the issue with things being warm and wet and therefore growing. I need to find another lawn guy.

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