With all the floods up and down the east coast of Australia, I'm fine, my family's fine, all the friends I know in the hardest hit areas are alive and well and their houses have been spared.
I give grateful thanks for that providence.
Doesn't change that a lot of other people are now stuck without homes, many of them without hope, and they're not getting much encouragement or hope or leadership from the parties in power who believe in hauling oneself up by one's own bootstraps, never mind if you're barefoot.
Mostly, at my place, it's rain. Endless rain - and it may be May, or even later, before we see a significant break in the weather. But all I need is a few days between downpours and I think I can manage this.
Right now, the watertank is 95-100% full and keeps getting filled.

In between storms I'm pumping the excess into this bin.

And in the bottom of the bin is a pump that's pumping the water up to the 'triangle orchard/garden':

It's complicated and not a great way to do it, but the bin is there anyway to deal with the runoff from the eaves (the gutter above it has something in it that blocks the rain; this has been a problem for two years. And the water goes into the garden and the soil absorbs it. I'll take it.
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