Bed #2 will need to go to green leafies over the winter - no heavy feeders since it spent the summer with zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant, capsicum, pumpkin, and sunflowers. And then after the leafy greens, I might do a winter green mulch.
Basically, I need to work out my rotation planting sets better.
The last zucchini in Bed #1 is not doing so well - it's reached the end of its useful life and probably needs composting. I'm uncertain as to whether to try for seeds from it or not. My instincts say 'not' because it was very prone to mildew, even if it was crazily productive.
Bed #1 is generally a problem: even once the tomatoes come out and I replant out the lemongrass, there are still carrots and...other things in there. Although now that I pulled out the potato (got a couple of nice little new potatoes), maybe I don't have to worry quite so much about it?
A bunch of photos from the last week:

Fifty Shades (of Grape Tomato): it needs regular tying up
The potato bed. I think it needs more potassium to really do well - that, and mulching.
Spaghetti Squash. This is the furthest along, but there are several others biding their time on the vine.
Squash, strawbs, and a chilli.
Ong-Tsoi, or Chinese Water Spinach.
Takeover vine - I think it's a pumpkin, but no sign of any fruit yet.
Kumera, with a multi-graft apple on the right and a dwarf avo on the left:
You are naughty... or very clever :-) 50 shades!