-Onions and parsnips in the centre of the central bed, particularly once the chickens are moved off
-Melons and cukes along the fenceline (all fencelines) and in the front garden
-Tomatoes & zucchini and eggplant along the path edge
-Flowers/herbs/ along the path edge and the fenceline (comfrey in particular?)
-Side boxes: melons and cukes up the back, vegies up the front?
-Vege pod: tomatoes, zucch, eggplant in here, too – anything else?
To Do:
-Current chook station: Put up the wicker screen against the current chook station for the crazy hot days, brick it and wire it fast.
-next Chook Station: failed top garden space (zucch, corn, cukes, lettuce asp) – the centre bed ones are probably best for the really hot summer days. Scatter spare seeds of any type?
-Automatic Chook Door installation (Tuesday PM?)
need more compostables
-Coffee grounds
-Vege matter
-Woodchips as pathway (dig out the grass, put the chips down – at least until we can get some sawdust down)
-Horse manure/compost (Ingleside, if going to St Ives for honey/Davidson plums)
-Rabbit straw (Berowra)
state of the chooks: