20 September, 2016

spring 2016

I don't even know how long it's been since I posted here. Some of that's because I didn't do much gardening from January through to midwinter; not enough time, not enough physical health, not enough enthusiasm.

However, now it is SPRING! And there are PLANS in place. And a bit more than plans.

The fruit trees are in full bloom and bud; the bi-stone is in full fruit, and the dual-stone (two trees planted in the same hole) is a little less enthusiastic, but still doing pretty well. I bought an extra apricot, because I really like apricots, and because the avocado I tried to plant just died. The citruses aren't doing so well, though - in a year and more, I haven't had very good harvests. Think I'm going to have to take better care of them - I've actually mulched them this year, and added compost/"council mix".

Bizarrely, I've just realised I don't have photos of the front bed.

However, I do have pics of the back. I've given up on the whole 'pathways and beds' idea - at least without chooks. It's not doable, and until I work out chooks (I'm thinking the space under the house might not be bad for keeping chickens, so long as it's a solid cage that the cats can't get into) then we're probably going to have to just live with the grass. But the beds are going to be pretty crowded with stuff this year...

From the west looking east:

Garden, spring 2016

There's the multiapple, the cherry, the donut peach, the multistone, and a bi-plum. The middle bed is pretty full of Warrigal greens which is a kind of native spinach somewhat high in oxalic acid. However, it grows like crazy - so does mizuna. There's a lone cabbage, some potatoes in the terracoloured pots, a 'salad box' which will probably mostly be greens and suchlike, and a box of garlic. There's a box of spring onions behind that, I think. And possibly carrots... They're rather closely planted, which may have been a mistake.

Detail of the plants in the containers:

Garden, spring 2016

From the north looking south:

Garden, spring 2016

The passionfruit is the big spreading plant, there's an avocado that hasn't yet set fruit (3rd year, now), and a kaffir lime tree that a friend gave me for my 40th (next to the lavendar pot).

I thought these were brussel sprouts, but it looks like they're broccoli!

Garden, spring 2016

Asparagus bed, with a couple of leeks tucked in there. There are also nasturtiums growing there - under the apple.

Garden, spring 2016

The apple tree above the asparagus:

Garden, spring 2016


Garden, spring 2016

Corn (and bok choy, and Tuscan kale):

Garden, spring 2016

Multi-stone, some beetroot left in the ground, and the mizuna to the side. Also, a slightly dead borage plant.

Garden, spring 2016

There are a couple of stepped beds from the carport down to the porch, and last summer I got a garden helper to dig the rocks out, then planted green mulches in one box, and tulips in another, while leaving the third bare.

Tulip bed - not too many tulips, unfortunately - four. And a mignonette that seems to be thriving quite happily there...

Garden, spring 2016

Then I had a crop of bok choy and (I think) cabbage or cauli seedlings, so I'm growing them there. There's a bed one down, which I think shall be the tomato zone...

Garden, spring 2016

Finally a VegePod that I acquired off someone online. The problem is that it's mostly undercover and doesn't do water too well. So I'm thinking something like carrots, perhaps. I have lots of carrot seed, although it's pretty old, so it may not germinate. Baby carrots galore!

Garden, spring 2016

09 January, 2016

a year's garden retrospective

What a difference a year makes!

facing east Nov 2014


facing east Dec 2014

four beds

facing east Jan 2015

Garden in January

facing east Feb 2015

Garden February 2015

facing east March 2015

Sunday late march

facing east Dec 2015

House for Bonnie

facing east Jan 2016

Garden Jan 2016

There is unfortunately a big gap between March and December when facing east, largely because the weather was pretty wet and pretty miserable, and so I didn't take any photos during that time.

Anyway, this is the aspect of the garden when facing south, starting with the first day I made a garden bed, mere weeks after we bought the property.

facing south Oct 2014

No dig garden, day 1

facing south Oct 2014

Quite contrary: Bed 2

facing south Jan 2015

Garden in January

facing south Feb 2015

Garden February 2015

facing south March 2015

Sunday late march

facing south July 2015


facing south Sept 2015

Borage, potatoes, avocado, geranium, cherry crepe myrtle, oats, mizuna apple. You can't see either the asparagus or the strawberries... #garden #gardenofsel

facing south Oct 2015

Garden in October

facing south Nov 2015

Garden November 2015

facing south Jan 2016

Garden Jan 2016