22 October, 2015

fruit trees, watering systems, heatwaves, and flies

Alas, for I have lost much of my hoped-for fruit crop to the couple of days of heatwave we just had, wherein I didn't have a watering system set up for the backyard trees.


All my apples but one have dropped off. The plums are holding on, but the apricots fell off in the last two days, and the donut peaches have withered on both the tree and the multi-stone. The nectarines in both the front and the back are looking like they've become fruit-fly heaven, and I'm not sure about the regular peaches.

Also, I'm not entirely sure I trust the local people not to just wander up and help themselves to my garden since our driveway is pretty open. And the other day I saw a guy and his partner and their dog pointing at my trees through a gap in the bushes that line the walking trail, they didn't realise I was the house owner until I backed up into the driveway. So, wonderful. Thieves on top of everything else.

On the plus side, I've invited the parentals around for dinner on Saturday night. I want the menu to be roast pork with crackling, but my stepfather is apparently putting on weight and would like to eat healthier. So...maybe just a small roast? But there will be new potatoes, swiss chard, kale chips, and possibly broccoli leaves as a vegetable accompaniment.

19 October, 2015

harvest: leeks

Roast leeks for dinner, with roast beef, and new potatoes.

Garden in October

Roasted, they were amazing. I ate the leeks straight off, and then ended up having only one piece of beef with a new potato. So leeks are definitely on the 'plant next year' list.

I haven't posted many pics of the garden this spring; it's kind of messy.

Garden in October

But growing! The fruit trees are fruiting, the broccoli and cauliflowers are going to seed. And I have to seed save some of the last ones, because they've survived really well without bug attacks or anything!

Now the big question: pull that bed apart to make 'rows' for the corn, or leave it as a central bed for the time being?

02 October, 2015

Where the Water Tanks wander

Whimsical post title is whimsical.

The problem with water tanks is that the space for them are all down the lower end of the property. Which would mean pumping. It's only a metre or so of difference, but I don't want to be doing even that.

So I think we're going to be losing some carport space in the name of permaculture practicality. And that space along the east boundary of the house is barely used, so maybe there.

Hm. We could maybe stick one on the back porch, under the bathroom window, and build a cabinet over it so there's somewhere to put...plants? Growing things? IDEK. But summer is coming and a water supply for the garden is going to be very necessary.

Looking here at Water Tanks - at least one, preferably two. If I thought I could get away with three, I totally would...